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The Ultimate Guide to CBD Oil in Australia: Benefits, Legal Status, and More

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most beneficial compounds found in cannabis. It's also one of the most misunderstood, unlike THC, which is famous for inducing a psychoactive response and creating a "high" sensation in users. 


CBD has been studied for its potential therapeutic effects on various conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and general chronic pain. It has also gained popularity as an ingredient in skincare products and nutritional supplements. 


Let's look at some of the benefits of CBD and why it could be an effective treatment option for you.


It's 2022, and CBD is a scorching topic right now as more countries and states decriminalise and legalise cannabis, marijuana and this particular cannabinoid - cannabidiol (CBD) - for personal, recreational and therapeutic use.


Because governments (especially ours in Australia) continue to treat cannabis as the naughty child of medicine, it can be hard to find accurate and helpful information on the uses and benefits of CBD oil. We have compiled a handy state and territory-wide breakdown of cannabis legalities for Australians. 


We're going to take you through a comprehensive guide to the Uses & Benefits of CBD in Australia, including: 


  • The difference between CBD & THC
  • How CBD works with the body's endocannabinoid system
  • How you take CBD
  • What are the effects of taking CBD 
  • What is CBD oil?
  • The benefits of CBD oil
  • Common & practical uses of CBD
  • How to use CBD oil
  • Potential side effects of CBD oil
  • The legal status of CBD oil in Australia
  • The challenges of CBD & the current state of the industry, research and legislation
  • How to access legal, therapeutic CBD in Australia 


What Is The Difference Between CBD & THC?


CBD will not get you high. The part of cannabis that gets you high is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is entirely different to CBD (cannabidiol). 


THC is psychoactive, whereas CBD is not psychoactive. "Psychoactive" substances affect how you think and feel, affecting your behaviour. Common legal psychoactive drugs are alcohol, tobacco and various prescription medications. Marijuana contains THC and CBD - among other cannabinoids - but when discussing CBD products, we're referring to products containing only CBD or less than 2% THC. 


So if CBD does NOT affect how you think, feel and behave, what does it do? CBD interacts with your endocannabinoid system in a way that helps to regulate neural-nervous reactions and signals - helping to ease and alleviate indications of pain, anxiety and inflammation (to name a few).


Need more info? Read our ultimate guide on CBD vs THC here.  


How Does CBD Work With The Body's Endocannabinoid System?


First, here's a quick crash course on the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). Your ECS is involved in regulating a variety of functions, including sleep, appetite, pain and immune system response. 


Our bodies produce 'endocannabinoids', which bind to cannabinoid receptors throughout your nervous system. Note: there are two types of these receptors (cb1 and cb2), one in the central nervous system and the other in inflammatory cells. 


Understanding where and how CBD interacts with the ECS is vital to understanding why CBD is so effective for treating specific disorders, diseases and symptoms. 


For more information on the ECS system, read our in-depth article here. 


Now that you know how it works once it's in your system - let's talk about the different ways of getting it there!


How Do You Take CBD?


Assorted CBD Capsules


You can take CBD in several ways, but the most common is to smoke cannabis flowers. However, several risks are associated with inhaling smoke from cannabis leaves because you will inhale a lot of other organic material along with the cannabinoids. We always recommend avoiding cannabis consumption via inhalation, as several different delivery methods are much safer, such as:


  • CBD Capsules: Swallowed, gives a slow release.


  • CBD Oil Tincture: Held under the tongue or mixed into drinks. 


  • CBD Vape: Provides immediate relief but presents a possible danger to lung health.


  • CBD Edibles: Ingested, has a slow release, and only 20-30% of CBD molecules get absorbed by your body. 


  • CBD Transdermal patches: Active ingredients flow through the skin into the bloodstream.


  • Topically applied creams, lotions & oils: Targets areas they're used on and works well at providing muscle relief. 


What is CBD Oil?


CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and then diluting it with a carrier oil like hemp seed oil. The extraction process is crucial and can be done in several ways, but the most common methods involve using either carbon dioxide (CO2) or a solvent like ethanol. The CO2 extraction method is the gold standard as it preserves CBD's purity while removing unwanted substances.


What's in a Name? Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and CBD Isolate


When shopping for CBD oil, you might come across terms like full spectrum, broad spectrum, and CBD isolate. These terms refer to the type of CBD and what other components are present in the oil.


  • Full Spectrum CBD: This contains all the phytochemicals that occur naturally in the cannabis plant, including various other cannabinoids, terpenes, and oils. It also has some trace amounts of THC, but not enough to cause a "high."


  • Broad Spectrum CBD: Broad spectrum CBD is similar to full-spectrum CBD in containing additional cannabinoids and terpenes. However, it undergoes an extra process to remove all traces of THC.


  • CBD Isolate: CBD isolate is pure CBD, isolated from the other compounds and cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. It offers all the benefits of CBD without any additional substances involved.


What are the Benefits of CBD Oil?


CBD does not cause intoxication, making it an attractive option for treating many conditions. CBD's many biological effects influence the body's central nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. These include regulating the release of hormones, improving immune function, reducing inflammation, and preventing pain and stress response.


The effects felt by taking CBD and the ongoing benefits of CBD differ significantly between different products, administration methods, and other humans taking it. Overall, CBD is a natural 'chillout' substance. As such, CBD is an attractive option over other pharmaceuticals, which can lead to excessive side effects and addiction.


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Without further ado, let's crack into the most common & effective uses of CBD. 


Common & Effective Uses of CBD


CBD is well-known for its medicinal properties but can also be used for non-medical purposes. For example, CBD can relieve chronic pain and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and boost mood. Many people also utilise CBD to treat inflammation and other conditions related to a compromised immune system.


Many believe CBD is the "miracle compound" to cure all your problems. But the truth is that there is no single magic bullet when it comes to medical marijuana. Instead, it's a combination of all of the different compounds in marijuana that work together to produce the desired effect. And while CBD is one of these compounds, it isn't the only one. 


CBD oil, in particular, is effective in treating conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, nausea, and multiple sclerosis. It also positively affects cognitive functions, such as memory and focus. In addition, CBD oil may help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. 


According to the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, CBD's most common uses are in treating anxiety, schizophrenia, nausea, vomiting, inflammation and epilepsy. The most common proven benefits of CBD include the following:


Pain, Inflammation & Arthritis


Natural pain relief is perhaps the most common use of CBD. With an opioid epidemic in Australia, many chronic pain sufferers are turning to a safer option: cannabis.  


According to this 2012 study by the Journal of Experimental Medicine, CBD may be a significant step forward in treating chronic pain, especially in MS (multiple sclerosis) patients. The reason why is that CBD inhibits the neuronal transmission in pain pathways, which is a fancy way of saying "it stops the message getting through", as this is what pain is: a message from your brain to your body that something's wrong. Those messages are helpful in everyday life, but alleviating the pain through CBD can be a life-changing experience when it becomes chronic and requires ongoing treatment. Tens of thousands of Aussies have already experienced this. Yet, our government continues to insist on criminalising these innocent people. Additionally, the TGA prioritises pharmaceutical drug companies and the products they sell over plant-based alternatives—no wonder the TGA's funding is sponsored 96% by the industrial pharmaceutical complex. 


Another inflammation-related ailment that almost 4 million Australians suffer from is arthritis. This article demonstrates that CBD helps arthritis by targeting inflammation and stopping chronic pain signals. If you know someone suffering from pain and requires immediate access to CBD, don't hesitate to contact us at 1300420420. Our company has helped hundreds of patients access CBD & other medical cannabis products. 


Anxiety & Depression


 Man With Anxiety & Depression


Beyond Blue reports that 1-in-5 Australians experience mental health challenges in any given year, while almost 1-in-2 will deal with a mental health condition during their lifetime. Since three million Aussies live with depression or anxiety, many are turning away from expensive and debilitating pharmaceutical products to find a natural solution.


CBD represents a new approach to mental health challenges. This 2011 study had a fascinating outcome; it set up a scenario in which 24 people who had never tried CBD were studied in a public speaking test. People were given either CBD or a placebo an hour and a half before the trial commenced. Those who received the placebo demonstrated high anxiety, stress and cognitive impairment levels. In contrast, those who received CBD saw all those symptoms significantly reduced. 


According to this research published in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, CBD benefits people suffering from a social anxiety disorder. The researchers suggest that CBD may effectively treat PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder.




Responsible for 3-in-10 deaths, cancer is Australia's second most common cause of death. Sufferers are increasingly turning to CBD - not just for its treatment of cancer itself, but for relief from the crippling effects of chemotherapy. Some studies demonstrate CBD's considerable strength in treating cancer; in this study and this one, CBD attacked only the cancerous cells and inhibited their growth while leaving the non-cancer cells alone – a far better solution than chemo, which ravages the body of those who undergo it. 


Nausea, Vomiting & Eating Disorders


In this 2012 study, the British Journal of Pharmacology proved that CBD helps remove nausea and vomiting, which folk medicine practitioners have known for millennia. The effects are often quite dramatic, leading to long-lasting and sustained relief. This is another way CBD helps cancer patients, as chemotherapy often results in nausea and lack of appetite.


CBD Benefits for Skin


One of the main benefits of CBD oil for the skin is its ability to reduce inflammation. By reducing inflammation, CBD oil can help soothe redness and swelling and even help prevent acne breakouts.


In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD oil also has antioxidant effects, meaning that it can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause harm to the cells in our bodies. By neutralising these free radicals, CBD oil can help to prevent signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.


CBD oil is also hydrating, making it an excellent option for dry or sensitive skin. It can help to restore moisture to the skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple. 


Overall, CBD oil has many benefits for the skin and is a gentle, natural option for those looking to improve the health and appearance of their skin. CBD oil could be a valuable addition to your skincare routine, whether you have acne-prone skin, dryness, or anti-aging signs.




An estimated 5.1% of Australians are diagnosed with diabetes. Many suffer needlessly, and CBD is providing many with new hope. Between 2005 and 2010, a study published in the American Journal of Medicine examined almost 5,000 adults. The results were impressive: marijuana use was associated with 16% lower insulin levels. Additionally, smaller waist circumferences were linked to marijuana use, which is a crucial factor in preventing the onset of diabetes. 


Epilepsy & Seizures


With 3% and 3.5% of Australians experiencing epilepsy at some point, over 250,000 Australians currently live with epilepsy. The most tragic cases often involve children, who comprise 40% of the population suffering from epilepsy.


In 2014 Stanford University conducted a survey that demonstrated dramatic results in children affected by seizures. Before using CBD, 63% of the children had been treated with anti-epileptic pharmaceutical medication. 84% of the children saw reduced seizure frequency while taking CBD. 11% completely stopped seizing, 42% saw massive benefits (a decrease in seizure frequency of over 80%), and 32% saw a 25-60% reduction in seizures. Although side effects included drowsiness and fatigue, there were other reported benefits in mood, alertness and sleep.


Want a free guide to Ebook guide to CBD? Download below: 


Potential Side Effects of CBD Oil


While CBD oil is often hailed as a wonder product with many health benefits, it's important to remember that not everyone reacts similarly. Like any supplement or medication, there can be potential side effects. But don't worry; we're here to guide you through them, so you can decide whether CBD oil is right for you.


Feeling a Bit Dry?


One of CBD oil's most common side effects is dry mouth because cannabinoids, the compounds found in CBD oil, can inhibit saliva production. So, if you're using CBD oil and reach for a glass of water more often, now you know why! Staying hydrated can help counteract this effect.


Feeling Sleepy or Light-Headed?


Another potential side effect of CBD oil is drowsiness or light-headedness, which s more likely to occur if you take a higher dose. If you're new to CBD oil, starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it is a good idea, giving your body time to adjust. And remember, it is better to operate heavy machinery or drive once you know how CBD oil affects you.


Changes in Appetite or Weight


Some people may experience changes in their appetite or weight when using CBD oil. This could mean feeling more hungry than usual or, on the flip side, having less appetite. Everyone's body reacts differently, so monitoring and discussing any changes with your healthcare provider is essential.


Interactions with Other Medications


CBD oil can interact with certain medications, including anti-epileptic drugs. Discussing this with your healthcare provider before starting CBD oil is crucial if you're taking any medication. They can help you understand any potential risks and monitor for any interactions.


New & Emerging Applications for CBD


CBD has recently gained much attention due to its wide range of potential medical benefits. These include anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-anxiety and even anti-tumour properties. In particular, CBD is promising as a treatment for epilepsy and other neurological disorders, including brain cancer. 


There are also many new and emerging applications for CBD and other cannabinoids. For example, cannabis-based foods and beverages are increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional medicine. And the expanding legal marijuana market provides enormous opportunities for entrepreneurs to develop new CBD oil applications. Skin problems are another upcoming treatment condition that is covered here in depth. 


While there are still many unknowns about CBD, this will soon change as more studies are completed. In the meantime, we'll continue monitoring developments and update this article as necessary. 


These last two benefits remain unproven but show promise with further studies:



In studies using rats, CBD has been shown to modify circuits in the brain related to drug addiction. One study showed that CBD induced a dependence reduction for both morphine and heroin in rats.



According to California's Salk Institute researchers, their 2017 study found evidence that cannabinoids such as CBD could help remove dementia and increase connections between brain cells. Other laboratories validated those results - although the research still needs to be more robust to make conclusions.


How To Use CBD Oil


So, you've got your hands on CBD oil, and now you're probably wondering, "How do I use this?" Don't worry, as we've got you covered! Using CBD oil is more straightforward than it might seem. Let's break it down and make it as easy as ABC!


Choosing the Right Dosage


First things first, there's no one-size-fits-all dosage when it comes to CBD oil. The right amount depends on several factors, including your body weight, the condition you're treating, your body chemistry, and the concentration of CBD in the oil. 


It's always a good idea to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you find what works best. And remember, always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.


Under the Tongue: Sublingual Administration


One of the most common ways to use CBD oil is through sublingual administration. This fancy term means placing the oil under your tongue. To do this, you'll use the dropper that comes with your CBD oil bottle and squeeze out the desired amount. Then, you'll drop it under your tongue and hold it there for about 60-90 seconds before swallowing. This method allows the CBD to be absorbed directly into your bloodstream through the mucous membranes in your mouth, offering quicker effects.


Mix it Up: Adding CBD Oil to Food and Drinks


CBD Fruit Shake Image


If you're not a fan of the taste of CBD oil, don't worry! You can easily mix CBD oil into your meals or drinks. Add it to your morning smoothie, afternoon tea, or even pasta sauce. Just remember, when you ingest CBD oil, it has to go through your digestive system before it enters your bloodstream, so it might take longer to feel the effects.


Topical Application: Rub it On Your Skin


CBD oil can also be applied directly to the skin. This method is prevalent for addressing localised pain or skin conditions like eczema or acne. Rub the oil into your skin like you would with a lotion. The CBD is absorbed through the skin and can provide targeted relief.


Consistency is Key


When using CBD oil, consistency is crucial. It's not a one-and-done deal. Regular, consistent use is vital to experiencing the full benefits of CBD oil. Think of it like a daily vitamin—it works best when taken consistently over time.


The Challenges Around CBD


The CBD market is snowballing, but there are still a few challenges that those entering the industry must be aware of. One of the biggest obstacles that CBD producers face is the need for standardised testing procedures. No laws govern what can and cannot be labelled as "CBD oil" in the United States. Hence, companies are free to label their products however they wish. As a result, companies can sell contaminated products, which can have serious health consequences. 


One of the most significant concerns is the question of dosage. As CBD oil becomes increasingly popular, many people are trying to take advantage of it for the first time. While some people may be able to get away with taking a small amount, others may find that their bodies don't respond well to it. For this reason, starting with a low dose and then gradually increasing your intake as necessary is key. 


There are also some safety concerns when it comes to using CBD oil. As with any new supplement, there is always the risk of side effects and toxicity, which can be especially true when introducing large amounts of CBD into your diet. For this reason, it's essential to speak with your doctor before you take CBD oil for the first time. 


Another challenge that companies face is deciding how to scale production processes without compromising quality - which many of them are still working on, so it may take some time before we see widespread acceptance of CBD. 


Finally, the regulatory environment surrounding CBD is unclear. There has been a lot of talk about the need for more research into the safety and efficacy of CBD, but there has yet to be much action to date. As a result, this could leave consumers vulnerable if they decide to purchase products online or from retailers without proof of provenance - even if they know that the product is safe and effective when consumed as directed.


One main issue with CBD scientific research conducted to date is the analysis of its effects on mice instead of humans. Aside from ethical issues around animal testing, the fact is that humans are different, and our bodies don't always react the same as other animals. Thus, responsible testing needs to occur to discover everything we can about its uses, benefits and side effects. More widely speaking, several studies have shown that long-term recreational use of cannabis can adversely affect mental health. Frontiers in Psychiatry published a report in 2013 that claims that permanent psychological disorders can be linked with cannabis, depending on the frequency of use, the potency of the cannabis used, the age someone begins using and the sensitivity of the individual in question. 


Driving while on medical cannabis is another conversation altogether, and this has been left idle in Australia and many countries worldwide.


Most recreational cannabis users never have to worry about such things, but in some rare cases, there can be undesirable effects such as anxiety and paranoia. Encouragingly, studies are beginning to show that CBD counteracts these adverse effects, but more research is needed.


The Legal Status of CBD Oil in Australia


Navigating the world of CBD oil can sometimes feel like you're exploring a maze, especially when it comes to understanding its legalities. But don't worry; we're here to help guide you through the legal landscape of CBD oil in Australia. So, buckle up and let's dive in!


A Brief History of CBD Oil Legislation in Australia


CBD oil has had quite a journey in Australia. Until recently, it was classified as a Schedule 4 drug under the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), meaning it was only available with a prescription. However, things started to change in 2020 when the TGA announced a proposal to reclassify CBD oil as a Schedule 3 drug, making it available over the counter.


The Current Legal Status


As of February 2021, the TGA officially down-scheduled low-dose CBD oil, making it available over the counter without a prescription. But there's a catch! The change only applies to CBD oil products that meet certain conditions, including a maximum daily dose of 150 milligrams, and the TGA must approve the product. Currently, no products have been approved, so you still need a prescription to access CBD oil in Australia legally.


How To Access Legal, Therapeutic CBD In Australia? 


You cannot buy certified and approved products off the shelf in Australia, as CBD is only legal via medical prescription for a group of diagnosed conditions. In that case, how do you get access to medicinal CBD? Read our guide on how to access cannabis here.


Australia has one program which can help you get access to CBD. 

  • Special Access Scheme (SAS)

This scheme has a 3 step process:

  1. Choosing the right product 
  2. Speaking to a doctor and getting approved for a script 
  3. Picking up your CBD product from a pharmacy

We have helped thousands of Australians gain access to appropriate CBD products.






CBD has been shown to be a safe, effective, and well-tolerated treatment option for various diseases and disorders. Still, there isn't enough research to know how CBD affects your long-term health. 


It's worth noting that CBD comes with some risks:

  1. There's the issue of purity: Not all CBD products are created equal.
  2. As with any supplement or food you consume, it's essential to be sure there's no evidence of contamination or foul play. If you want CBD oil, talk to your doctor first.
  3. Keep an eye out for future studies on this emerging supplement.


Are you interested to learn more? Please read our guide on Terpenes and how these beautiful molecules can help you achieve a healthier and more relaxed self. Safe, legal and effective! 
