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Hemp Seed Oil: Extracted from the Cannabis Plant

Hemp seed oil has been gaining popularity as a versatile and natural source of beneficial nutrients for overall health and wellness. The oil, known for its rich content of essential fatty acids like alpha-linolenic acid and gamma-linolenic acid, offers numerous health benefits ranging from improved cardiovascular health to natural pain relief.


As the world continues to shift towards more natural, plant-based solutions for health and wellness, hemp seed oil has become a sought-after product for those looking to incorporate a powerful and nutritious oil into their daily regimen. Moreover, the rising awareness of the benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in promoting heart health and reducing inflammation has further propelled the demand for hemp seed oil.


In the midst of this growing trend, it is essential to understand the full potential of hemp seed oil, including its distinct nutritional profile, uses, benefits, and impact on human health and wellness.


hemp seed oil with cannabis and hemp leaf 


What Is Hemp Seed?

Hemp seed originates from the Cannabis sativa plant, a species renowned for its versatile applications ranging from industrial to medicinal uses. While often associated with the cannabis plant due to its botanical lineage, thehemp plant significantly differs from its psychoactive counterpart.


The primary distinction lies in the chemical composition; while both belong to the Cannabis genus, the hemp plant contains minimal amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), usually less than 0.3%.


THC is the psychoactive compound responsible for the "high" in marijuana. In contrast, thecannabis plant, especially strains grown for recreational use, can have high THC levels (27–30%). This vast difference in THC content means that while both plants share certain botanical characteristics, their uses and legal statuses diverge greatly.


While the cannabis plant is primarily cultivated for its psychoactive properties, the hemp plant is grown for industrial applications, including textiles, paper, and as a source forhemp seed oil. The seeds of the hemp plant are nutrient-dense, offering a plethora of health benefits without any intoxicating effects. They can be eaten raw, roasted, or ground into a powder.


What is Hemp Seed Oil?

Using a method called cold-pressing, the oil is extracted in a way that retains its natural nutrients, ensuring the highest purity and potency.


Unlike some othercarrier oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil, and flaxseed oil, hemp seed oil boasts a unique nutritional profile that offers an array of health advantages. The American Oil Chemists Society further underscores its value, highlighting its rich content ofpolyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and other essential properties, making it a standout choice for those new to the world of natural oils.


Hemp seed oil is safe, effective and legal in Australia and most countries worldwide.



Hemp Seed Oil vs. Flax Seed Oil vs. CBD Oil


Hemp Seed Oil:

  • Source: Derived from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant.

  • Nutritional Profile: Rich in essential fatty acids, notably alpha-linolenic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. Offers an ideal balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

  • Uses: Commonly utilized in salad dressings, skincare products, and as a nutritional supplement.

  • Note: It does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component found in cannabis, meaning it does not induce a "high."


Flax Seed Oil:

  • Source: Extracted from the seeds of the flax plant.

  • Nutritional Profile: Also contains a high concentration of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid. However, it doesn't offer the same balanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 as hemp seed oil.

  • Uses: Often used in dietary supplements and as a culinary oil, though it has a nutty flavor that some find distinct.

  • Note: While it promotes heart and skin health, its benefits are distinct from hemp seed oil.


CBD Oil:

  • Source: Derived from the flowers, leaves, and stalks of Cannabis sativa plants that are specifically cultivated to have high levels of cannabidiol (CBD) and low THC levels (usually less than 0.3%).

  • Nutritional Profile: Contains CBD, a non-psychoactive compound known for its therapeutic properties. It lacks the comprehensive fatty acid profile found in hemp seed oil.

  • Uses: Mostly used for therapeutic purposes, such as pain relief, reducing anxiety, and treating certain skin conditions.

  • Note: While it's extracted from the cannabis plant, it is not psychoactive and does not produce the "high" associated with THC.


Clearing a Common Misconception: It's crucial to understand that hemp seed oil is not the same as CBD oil or weed. Hemp seed oil is solely a nutritional product, while CBD oil has therapeutic properties. Neither should be equated to recreational marijuana, which has high THC levels and is consumed for its psychoactive effects.


Hemp Seed Oil Benefits

Hemp seed oil is a powerhouse of nutrients, revered for its array of health benefits. Its consumption offers numerous advantages, ranging from improved heart health to boosted immunity. Here's a detailed analysis of its key benefits:


1. Superior Nutritional Profile: Hemp seeds, from which the oil is extracted, are distinguished by their unparalleled nutritional value. They contain a high concentration of essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6. This balance, unique to hemp oil when contrasted with oils like olive and flaxseed, elevates its nutritional stature.


2. Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: Hemp seed oil is a formidable ally for the heart. Its optimal omega-3/6 ratio actively promotes cardiovascular health. Specifically, gamma-linolenic acids present in hemp seed oil have anti-inflammatory properties, safeguarding the heart against inflammation-induced attacks. Additionally, the oil's propensity to lower sterol content in the blood serves as a protective measure against potential cardiac damage and haemostatic effects.


3. Immune System Fortification: One of the more understated benefits of hemp seed oil is its role in fortifying the immune system. The essential fatty acids in hemp seed oil are integral for the synthesis of endocannabinoids. These molecules amplify the immune system's efficacy, enhancing the body's ability to stave off infections.


4. Essential During Pregnancy: Hemp seed oil's benefits extend to expectant mothers. The fatty acids in the oil significantly contribute to a baby's eye development. Thus, incorporating hemp seed oil can be beneficial for both the mother and the fetus.


5. Natural Pain Relief: Many individuals have turned to hemp seed oil and its counterpart, CBD oil, as natural pain-relief solutions. While most empirical evidence currently stems from animal studies, preliminary results suggest potential analgesic effects in humans.


6. Skin Health and Disorders: Hemp seed oil's fatty acid profile has proven beneficial for various skin conditions. Its anti-inflammatory and sebostatic effects can alleviate symptoms associated with disorders like eczema, psoriasis, and acne scarring. Moreover, its hydrating properties can remedy dry skin, making it a versatile tool in dermatological treatment.


7. Potential for Alleviating Neurological Ailments: Though research is in nascent stages, there's growing interest in the potential of hemp seed oil to mitigate symptoms of conditions like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.


In essence, hemp seed oil is not merely a dietary supplement; it's a potent tool with myriad health benefits. Its nutrient-rich profile and diverse benefits make it a worthwhile addition to any health-conscious individual's regimen.


    Read our in-depth guide for more information on the benefits of hemp seed oil.


    What Is the Nutritional Value of Hemp Seeds?

    Hemp seeds are a tremendous source of nutrition and have a wide range of health benefits. 


    They are a rich source of proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Hemp seed oil is also a good source of antioxidants and phytochemicals. 


    Hemp seeds are a good source of two essential fatty acids, linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3).


    Vitamins and minerals are essential for our body to function correctly. Hemp seeds are a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as the minerals iron, magnesium, and zinc.  


    Phytochemicals are compounds that occur naturally in plants. Some of these compounds have been shown to have potential health-promoting properties. Hemp seeds are a good source of phytochemicals, including flavonoids and terpenes.


    Check our in-depth article on hemp seed nutrition here


    hemp seed on a table


    Natural Pain Relief with Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil

    Hemp seed oil and its more concentrated counterpart, CBD oil, have garnered attention for their potential role in alleviating pain. A 2018 review lends credence to this claim, highlighting CBD's efficacy in reducing pain and associated anxiety.


    However, the majority of these findings are rooted in studies on animal models. While these results are promising, comprehensive clinical trials on humans remain ongoing. The full scope of CBD's analgesic potential for human subjects remains to be conclusively determined.


    Hemp Seed Oil in Our Diet

    Hemp seed oil is a versatile addition to any kitchen, offering a range of health benefits. Its unique, nutty flavor makes it a perfect complement to a variety of dishes. The oil is often drizzled over salads as a dressing or added to sauces and dips. It can be mixed into smoothies or even taken directly as a nutritional supplement.


    The health benefits of incorporating hemp seed oil into your diet are substantial. Hemp seed oil is rich in essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6, which are vital for the proper functioning of the human body. These fatty acids help regulate blood pressure, promote heart health, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the immune system.


    How Many Calories Are in Hemp Seeds?

    There are 157 calories per ounce of hemp seeds. 


    Because they're low in calories while high in protein, hemp seeds are an excellent choice for individuals who want to slim down.


    Other Uses of Hemp Seed Oil

    Beyond its dietary uses, hemp seed oil has found application in a variety of industrial products. Due to its quick-drying properties, it's used as an ingredient in paints and varnishes. The oil's ability to polymerize into a solid form has led to its use in the creation of plastic flooring, such as linoleum. It's also used as a base for other coating materials.


    As you can see, hemp seed oil's versatility extends beyond the kitchen, finding utility in both health-focused and industrial contexts.


    budda bowl of healthy food


    How Much Omega-3 Is in Hemp Seeds?

    Most hemp oil's fat comprises polyunsaturated Omega 6 and Omega 3s, two of the healthiest polyunsaturated fats. The 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in hemp oil (57% and 17% of its total fat content) is considered optimal in balancing these two fatty acids. 


    These fatty acids are essential because the body needs them but cannot make them.


    Please read our detailed breakdown of fatty acids for hemp seed oil here


    Hemp oil in a bowl



    Is Hemp Seed Oil Safe for Children?

    Yes. Hemp seed oil is generally considered safe for children. It offers a rich source of essential fatty acids that are vital for the growth and development of children.


    However, as with any nutritional supplement, it's advisable to consult with a pediatrician before introducing hemp seed oil into a child's diet. 


    Potential Risks and Side Effects of Hemp Seed Oil

    Hemp seed oil, while generally considered safe, may pose certain risks and side effects for some individuals or under certain conditions. However, these risks are relatively low and can often be mitigated with proper care and usage. It is essential to be aware of the following potential issues:


    • Storage and Rancidity: Due to the high content of fatty substances in hemp seed oil, it can become rancid when exposed to air for extended periods. Oxidation can cause the oil to develop an off smell and taste. To prevent this, store the oil in a cool, dark place and use it within the recommended timeframe.

    • Low Flash Point: Hemp seed oil has a relatively low flash point, meaning it can easily evaporate or ignite when exposed to high temperatures. This characteristic makes it unsuitable for frying or high-temperature cooking. Instead, use it in cold dishes or add it to warm foods after they have been cooked.

    • Interactions with Medications: As with any nutritional supplement, hemp seed oil may interact with certain medications. If you are taking prescription drugs or have health concerns, it is essential to consult your healthcare provider before adding hemp seed oil to your diet.

    • Individual Sensitivities: While rare, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to hemp seed oil. Symptoms could include skin rashes, breathing difficulties, or gastrointestinal issues. If you suspect you are allergic to hemp seed oil, discontinue use and seek medical advice.


    In general, the benefits of hemp seed oil far outweigh the potential risks. However, it is essential to use it correctly and be aware of the factors that may affect its quality and safety.


    hemp seed oil in the style of light green and beige, polished surfaces, precisionist, spot metering, tondo, sabattier filter, sharp/prickly

    Methods and Dosages

    For those considering adding hemp seed oil to their routine, starting with a small dosage and observing any bodily reactions is advisable. A common recommendation is a teaspoon to a tablespoon daily, either consumed directly or mixed into food. However, always check the product's label for specific dosage instructions or consult with a nutritionist.


    Hemp Seed Oil For Dogs

    Hemp seed oil, especially for dogs and cats, is safe and incredibly nutrient-dense. 


    It has several dog benefits, including reducing anxiety, improving skin and coat health, and relieving pain.


    Like humans, it's also a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, essential for keeping your dog's coat healthy and shiny. 


    In addition, hemp oil can help to reduce inflammation and improve joint health.


    Try using a natural organic hemp seed oil supplement daily, or you can use it externally by applying it directly to your skin. 


    Read more about hemp for animals here. 



    How To Use Hemp Oil?

    Hemp seed oil can be integrated into your diet or beauty regime easily. Blend it into smoothies, or consume hemp seed oil to receive its anti-inflammatory benefits. 


    Take daily as a supplement in the form of a soft-gel capsule. It can be combined with other beauty ingredients to create a moisturiser, lip balm, or shampoo. 


    Apply raw oil topically directly on dry skin, in addition to applying it directly on inflamed joints and muscles. 


    Need more ideas? We cover everything in this article here.


      hemp leaf pic



    Hemp Oil vs Fish Oil – Which Is Best?


    There are a lot of different oils on the market these days, and it can be hard to know which one is best for you. When deciding between hemp oil and fish oil, it's essential to understand their differences. 


    Hemp seed oil is made from the hemp plant's seeds, and it contains various nutrients that are beneficial for your health.


    These include omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin E. Hemp seed oil can be used in a number of different ways, including taking it orally or using it topically. 


    Fish oil is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and contains vitamins A, and D. Fish oil is most commonly taken in capsule form.


    Fish oil has some drawbacks, such as questionable fishing practices. 


    Read the breakdown here



    Hemp seed oil is a valuable addition to both diet and industry, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. Rich in essential fatty acids, it offers multiple health and functional benefits. Yet, care is needed due to its potential risks such as a relatively low flash point. Proper storage and choosing quality, cold-pressed sources are essential.


    In Australia, the demand for such sustainable resources is evident, and hemp seed oil stands as a testament to nature's capacity to support human needs. As interest in hemp surges, it is paramount to stay informed and discerning to harness its full potential responsibly.


    How To Use Hemp Seed Oil For Anxiety?

    Unlike some other oils, hemp seed oil contains abundant and perfectly-balanced omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids—compounds known to affect a person's anxiety levels. These two fatty acids are known as 'essential', meaning your body needs them to function optimally but cannot produce them.

    Hemp Seed Oil For Anxiety: What You Need To Know

    How To Eat Hemp Seeds For Weight Loss?

    Hemp oil will help burn fat, boost metabolism, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health. If you are not physically active, you are likely to gain weight, no matter what you eat. There is no single type of exercise that is best for everyone. The simple answer is yes, but it will take some effort on your part to ensure you achieve your weight loss goals.

    How to Lose Weight Naturally with Hemp Oil: The Truth Behind the Hype

    Can Hemp Seed Oil Help Hair Loss?

    Hemp seed oil is a natural wonder that has been used for centuries to promote hair growth. It contains a range of beneficial fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty acids help to promote hair growth by increasing the production of scalp cells.

    Can Hemp Seed Oil Help Promote Hair Growth?

    How To Use Hemp Seed Oil On Your Face?

    Nutrient-rich hemp seed oil is packed with skin-loving phytochemicals that can help manage the symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. Hemp seed oil can also be helpful as a natural anti-ageing solution thanks to its high nutritional content and its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

    Hemp Seed Oil: The Complete Scientific Guide for Patients with Atopic Dermatitis

    What is hemp oil for pets?

    Hemp oil for pets is a product derived from hemp plants. It is rich in nutrients and has several potential health benefits, such as improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and supporting cardiovascular health. Unlike CBD oil, hemp oil does not contain significant amounts of CBD or THC, making it non-psychoactive.

    Can I use Hemp Seed Oil topically?

    Yes, Hemp Seed Oil can be applied topically. It's often used in skincare products due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties.

    Are there any dietary restrictions when using Hemp Seed Oil?

    There are no specific dietary restrictions when using Hemp Seed Oil. However, a balanced diet can enhance overall health and complement the benefits of Hemp Seed Oil.
