Hemp Oil Vs. Flax Seed Oil: Which One is More Nutritious?

Hemp seed oil and flaxseed oil are known for their health benefits, particularly due to their high content of omega-3 fatty acids.
However, there are some differences between the two oils that may influence your choice depending on your needs and preferences. Having compared the two very closely over the last 5 years and taking these myself im going to show you why there is one clear winner here.
They're also both commonly used as oils or flour that can be added to foods or taken as a nutritional supplement. These oils have similar fatty acid profiles, which makes them suitable for similar uses.
Suppose you're interested in adding either of these oils to your daily routine.
In that case, this article will provide some insight into the benefits of each oil and their similarities and critical differences. Keep reading to learn more about hemp seed oil vs flaxseed oil and nutrition!
What are Hemp & Flax Seeds?
Flaxseed oil is pressed from the ripened seeds of the flax plant. Hemp seed oil is pressed from the seeds of the hemp plant.
Both hemp seeds and flax seeds have been used for thousands of years as crops across the world. In the case of hemp, many other uses, such as textiles and medicines, emerged early on in the crop's life.
These seeds helped start human civilization. They allowed our ancestors to achieve a certain level of nutrition.
Both crops are generally easy to grow, which is why our ancestors probably chose them.
Like hemp seeds, flaxseeds or linseeds as they are called in some countries, are very well known for their medicinal properties and other health benefits.
Both seeds contain high doses of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and fibre, which is why many chefs worldwide choose to keep them as a staple in their kitchens.
Hemp Seed Oil Nutrition Information
Firstly, you can eat hemp seeds raw once they have been dehulled (taken out of their shell) or cold-pressed- that is, when the seeds have been pressed together to form an oil.
This is what we recommend, as there are thousands of individual hemp seeds in a bottle of hemp seed oil. Hemp seeds are an excellent source of macronutrients and micronutrients.
Macronutrients are the vitamins and minerals that are needed in larger amounts by the body.
Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that are needed in smaller amounts by the body.
One of the main benefits of hemp seed oil is that it is rich in healthy fats, protein, and other vitamins and minerals.
The oil can also be used as a substitute for butter or oil due to its high smoke point.
Did you know hemp seed is excellent for promoting hair growth and potentially losing weight, click the links to read more?
Flaxseed Oil Nutrition Information
Whole flax seeds can not be digested that easily with human stomachs, and you would need to grind them up or eat the cold-pressed version to achieve the best results.
Flaxseed oil is a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that the body needs but cannot produce on its own.
ALA is converted into other healthy fats in the body, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
EPA and DHA are two types of omega-3 fatty acids that are commonly found in fish oil and other plant-based oils.
They are essential for the proper function of our bodies, including the growth and development of our organs, nervous system, and hormones.
The benefits of flaxseed oil include reduced risk of heart disease and cancer, improved brain function, reduced inflammation, and healthy skin.
Flaxseed oil has also been linked to reduced risks of breast cancer and improved gastrointestinal health
The flavour profile of flaxseed is slightly sweeter and has an earthy aftertaste. Hemp seeds are nutty and can taste grassy in the mouth. Still, both are very mellow in terms of flavour and palatability.
Who Has More Omega Fatty Acids?
You may already know that hemp seeds have the perfect balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3, usually a 3:1 ratio.
Flax seeds have more Omega-3 per serving than hemp seeds but have far less Omega-6 present in that same serving size.
These are classed as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and the human body is unable to produce them. Still, they are essential for optimal human health and help reduce coronary heart disease risk.
Omega-3 will help reduce inflammation, while many omega-6 fatty acids contribute to inflammation; this is part of the reason why many people in western countries are suffering from high rates of diseases related to inflammation.
This is due to the ratio of Omega-6 fatty acids they consume, which is around 14-20 times more than Omega-3.
The winner here is hemp seed oil, as it also contains two polyunsaturated fats called gamma-linolenic acid and stearidonic acid that are not present in flax seeds.
GLA can fight inflammation, balance hormones, reduce nerve pain and improve rheumatoid arthritis. Do you suffer from anxiety? According to our research, yes, hemp can help with that too!
Protein & Fiber, Where Are You At?
The great news here is that both seeds feature all nine essential amino acids, which means they are considered a complete protein; remember, your body can't make these, so you need to get them from somewhere.
That being said, hemp seeds contain twice as much protein as flaxseed; comparatively speaking, it's around 3 grams per tablespoon for hemp seeds and 1.9 grams per tablespoon for flaxseeds.
On the fibre scale, this is where flaxseeds weigh up well; hemp seeds contain 1 gram of fibre per tablespoon, and flaxseeds contain 2.8 per tablespoon, almost three times as much.
In terms of calories and fat content for each seed, both are very similar and nearly identical, which means there is no reason to choose either based on calories or fat content alone. Read our scientific guide on hemp protein and the full range of benefits here.
What Are The Flaxseed Oil Benefits?
The benefits of flaxseed oil are plenty if this is your choice of the two. Flaxseed oil is commonly used as a food or supplement because it is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
These fatty acids are commonly found in fish, but flaxseed oil is a sustainable and inexpensive alternative.
Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower blood pressure.
They can also reduce inflammation and may be beneficial in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and mental health disorders.
It contains a higher level of omega-3 than hemp oil but does not have an ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3
The omega-3 in flaxseed oil is exclusively alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and does not contain stearidonic acid (SDA), a more potent form of omega-3 found in hemp seed oil.
What Are The Hemp Seed Oil Benefits?
If you have chosen hemp as the winner, the benefits, in our opinion, are more significant than those mentioned above, the hemp seed oil is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals as well as healthy fats. We have an in depth blog on the main question you have regarding the benefits here.
Because it is also easy to digest, many people choose to include hemp seeds and oil in their diet as a meal or supplement.
Hemp seed oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent option for those who have arthritis.
Additionally, hemp seed oil is a natural mood enhancer, making it a perfect supplement for those suffering from anxiety or depression. If you want to learn more about the benefits of hemp seed oil, head to this article.
How To Use Both Flax & Hemp Oils?
Generally speaking, you can only consume flax once it's cold-pressed, but hemp seeds can be both eaten in the raw seed form or once it's cold-pressed.
Both oils have a low smoking point, and we do not recommend any cooking with either; heating the oils will lose some of the proper nutrients.
Flaxseed oil should not be heated at all due to its very low smoke point. If you must hemp seed oil has a medium smoke point, making it suitable for gentle sautéing.
The best way to consume either is to keep it cold and use it raw; salad dressings, dips and other cold dishes are best suited to this type of oil. Or you can eat it straight from the spoon; both of the oils are usually very tasty.
Hemp seed oil is very safe for both adults and children.
If you're looking to add either hemp seed oil or flaxseed oil to your diet, be sure to do your research to determine the best option.
Both oils are healthy and offer many benefits, so the choice is ultimately up to you. As you can see, hemp seed oil and flaxseed oil have many similarities but also have some key differences.
While both oils provide essential nutrients, flaxseed oil is a richer source of omega-3 fatty acids. Both hemp and flaxseed are fantastic sources of nutrition.
If possible, we recommend adding both seeds to your diet regimen.
If fibre is your primary goal, then increase your flaxseed oil intake; as a daily supplement, hemp seed is more beneficial in terms of nutritional content, plus the extra protein and minerals you receive make it a very healthy option.
Hemp seed oil is, interestingly enough, trendy and suitable for animals for a range of conditions; if you have a pet, then it's worthwhile considering the long-term benefits. Read all about animals and hemp here.
If you are using fish oil or any other type of oil, check out our previous blog on that topic here. In short, throw any fish oil and related supplements in the bin; they have questionable ethical and dietary concerns, stick to plant-based oils, and you will feel highly healthier.
If you have not tried hemp seed oil yet, please check out our cold-pressed raw and organic oil here. Each bottle has over 20,000 seeds inside; you couldn't physically eat that many even if you wanted to!
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