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The Ultimate Guide to Raw Protein Powder

Hey there, health enthusiasts! Let's dive into the world of raw protein powder. Raw protein powder is a type of protein supplement that's minimally processed, meaning it keeps a lot of the good stuff from its source. It's like the uncooked, unadulterated cousin of your regular protein powder.


Importance of Protein in the Diet


Protein is like the building block of your body. It's involved in everything, from growing your muscles (hello, beach body!), repairing tissues, and even making enzymes and hormones. But here's the catch - your body doesn't store protein, so you need a steady supply from your diet. And that's where raw protein powder struts onto the stage. It's a convenient, efficient way to ensure your body gets all the protein it needs.


The Benefits of Raw Protein Powder


Muscle Building and Recovery


Raw protein powder is like a superhero for your muscles! It swoops in to repair the tiny tears created during workouts, helping your muscles to grow bigger and stronger. And raw protein powder? It's like having that superhero on speed dial, ready to jump into action whenever needed.


Weight Loss


Protein helps you feel full longer, making you less likely to reach for that extra cookie. And because raw protein powder is so easy to incorporate into your diet, it's like having a personal trainer in your pantry, helping you stay on track with your weight loss goals.


Improved Digestion


Raw protein powder is also great for your gut. Many types, especially plant-based ones, are packed with fibre, which your digestive system loves. It's like giving your gut a spa day, helping everything run smoothly and comfortably.


Increased Energy


Are you feeling sluggish? Raw protein powder to the rescue! Protein gives your body sustained energy, helping you power through your day. It's like your body's personal cheerleader, keeping you energized and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.


Reduced Inflammation


Certain types of protein, like hemp protein, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. It's like having a personal masseuse for your cells, helping to soothe inflammation and keep you feeling your best.


Types of Raw Protein Powders


Plant-Based Raw Protein Powders


Plant-Based Protein Powders


Plant-based raw protein powders come from various plant sources, and they're taking the health world by storm. They're like the cool, vegan cousin in the protein powder family. One of the stars of the plant-based team is pea protein, a complete protein that contains all nine essential amino acids. Then there's hemp protein, which is made from ground hemp seeds. It's not just a protein powerhouse; it's also packed with fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. And let's not forget about brown rice protein. It's hypoallergenic, which makes it an excellent choice for anyone with food allergies or sensitivities.


Animal-Based Raw Protein Powders


Animal-based raw proteins are obtained from animal sources. Whey protein is the most well-known member of this team. It's derived from milk, and it's a complete protein. Then there's casein protein, which is also derived from milk. It's digested slower than whey, providing a steady release of amino acids over time. And let's not forget about egg protein, made from, well, eggs. It's easy to digest and packed with essential amino acids. It's like the reliable, dependable friend in the animal protein group.


What is Cannabis/Hemp Protein Powder?


It's time to talk about the new kid on the protein block: cannabis/hemp protein powder. This protein powder won't get you high because it comes from hemp, a type of cannabis plant that's low in THC and high in CBD. It's like the straight-edge sibling in the cannabis family.


How is it Made?


So, how do we get from a plant to a protein powder? First, the hemp seeds are cold-pressed to remove the oil. What's left is a hemp cake, which is grounded into a fine powder. And voila! You've got hemp protein powder. It's like a magic trick but with more science and fewer rabbits.


Difference Between Cannabis and Hemp Protein Powder


While both are types of cannabis plants, they have different compositions. Most cannabis protein powders on the market are actually made from hemp. Hemp is a type of cannabis plant that's been bred to have low THC content and high CBD content. So, when we talk about cannabis protein powder, we usually speak about hemp protein powder.


Benefits of Cannabis/Hemp Protein Powder


Cannabis/Hemp Protein


High-Quality Vegan Protein Source


Cannabis/hemp protein powder is a high-quality protein source, meaning it's packed with all the essential amino acids your body needs but can't produce on its own. It's like the all-you-can-eat buffet of amino acids packed into one plant-based powder.


It Contains All Nine Essential Amino Acids


Cannabis/hemp protein powder doesn't just contain some amino acids. It contains all nine essential amino acids. That's right, all nine! It's like the complete set of your favourite TV series, with no missing episodes.


Rich in Fiber, Healthy Fats, and Minerals


Cannabis/hemp protein powder is also rich in dietary fibre, which is excellent for your gut health. It's also packed with healthy fats, specifically omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, known for their heart health benefits and their ability to fight inflammation. And let's not forget about the minerals. Cannabis/hemp protein powder is a good source of minerals like iron, magnesium, and zinc.


Potential Health Benefits


Thanks to its impressive nutritional profile, this plant-powered protein can offer a range of health benefits. The omega-3 fatty acids can support cardiovascular health, and it's rich in antioxidants, which can help protect your body from damage by harmful free radicals.


Can Pets Take Hemp Protein Powder?


As pet parents, we always want the best for our furry friends. We want them to have the best food, the best toys, and the best health. So, when we hear about the benefits of hemp protein powder for humans, it's only natural to wonder if our pets could benefit from it too. But can pets, like dogs and cats, safely consume hemp protein powder?


The answer is yes, but with some caveats.


Hemp protein powder can be a beneficial supplement to your pet's diet, especially for pets with dietary restrictions or allergies to common protein sources. It's a plant-based protein that's easy to digest and rich in nutrients that can support your pet's overall health.


However, it's important to remember that while hemp protein powder can be a good supplement, it shouldn't replace your pet's balanced, species-appropriate diet. Pets need a variety of nutrients that they get from different sources, so their diet should be varied and balanced.


Before introducing hemp protein powder or any new supplement into your pet's diet, consulting with a vet is always a good idea. They can provide guidance based on your pet's specific health needs and dietary requirements.


Also, start with a small amount and monitor your pet for any changes in behaviour or digestion. If your pet shows any signs of discomfort or adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult with your vet.


How to Choose the Best Raw Protein Powder


Choosing the best raw protein powder can feel like a mission. But don't worry; we're here to help! Here are some factors to consider in your quest for the perfect protein powder. 


Firstly, think about your dietary needs. Are you vegan? Lactose intolerant? Allergic to soy? Your dietary needs will help guide you towards the correct type of protein powder. Secondly, consider your taste preferences. Some protein powders have a strong flavour, while others are more neutral. It's all about finding a flavour you enjoy, or at least one you can tolerate.


Comparison of Different Types of Raw Protein Powder


You've got plant-based proteins, like hemp and pea protein, which are great for vegans and those with dairy allergies. Then you've got your animal-based proteins, like whey and casein, known for their high protein content and quick absorption..


Tips for Reading Labels and Avoiding Harmful Ingredients


Finally, let's talk about labels. Reading labels can feel like deciphering a foreign language, but it's crucial for avoiding harmful ingredients. Here are some tips to help you become a label-reading pro.


Firstly, look for a short ingredient list. The fewer ingredients, the better. Secondly, avoid artificial sweeteners and additives. These can cause digestive issues and other health problems. Lastly, look for third-party testing. This means that the product has been tested for quality and purity by an independent lab.


How to Use Raw Protein Powder


In Smoothies and Shakes


Protein Powder Smoothie

One of the easiest and most popular ways to use raw protein powder is in smoothies and shakes. It's as simple as adding a scoop of your chosen protein powder to your blender and your favourite fruits, veggies, and liquid. You can experiment with different flavour combinations, and before you know it, you'll be whipping up protein-packed smoothies like a pro.


In Baking and Cooking


You can also use raw protein powder in baking and cooking. You can add it to pancake or waffle batter, mix it into oatmeal, or even use it in savoury dishes like soups and stews. Remember, when using it in cooking, you may opt for a neutral-tasting protein powder so it doesn't overpower the other flavours in your dish.


Recipes Using Raw Protein Powder


Protein-Packed Smoothies and Shakes


Smoothies and shakes are a fantastic way to incorporate raw protein powder into your diet, and the best part is it's super easy! Here's a simple guide to creating your protein-rich concoctions:




  1. One scoop of your preferred raw protein powder
  2. Your choice of fruits (like bananas, berries, or mangoes)
  3. Your choice of veggies (like spinach or kale - optional)
  4. Your preferred liquid (like almond milk, coconut water, or just plain water)




  1. Start by adding your chosen liquid to your blender. This forms the base of your smoothie or shake.
  2. Next, toss in your favourite fruits and veggies. Feel free to mix and match to create exciting flavour combinations.
  3. Now, it's time for the star of the show - add a scoop of your raw protein powder.
  4. Blend everything until smooth and creamy. If it's too thick, add more liquid; if it's too thin, add more fruit or even a handful of ice.


And voila! You've just created a delicious, protein-packed smoothie or shake. The beauty of this method is its versatility - you can experiment with different fruits, veggies, and protein powders to keep things interesting.


Protein-Boosted Pancakes




For the Pancake Batter (Makes 6 Small Pancakes):


  • 1/2 cup of rolled oats, blitzed into flour (you can use a NutriBullet or a food processor)
  • 1/2 cup Hemp Protein
  • 1/2 tsp Baking powder
  • Two tbs Maple syrup
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 cup Milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • One tbs of Grape-seed oil (or any light flavoured/coconut oil)
  • A pinch of Salt


For the Topping:


  • Raspberry jam
  • Almond butter
  • Hemp seeds




  1. Start by blending all the batter ingredients in a NutriBullet or a food processor. Once everything is well combined, let the batter rest for 5-10 minutes. This allows the oats to absorb some of the liquid and the baking powder to start working, making your pancakes fluffier.
  2. While the batter is resting, heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat.
  3. Pour the batter into the pan, using about a ladleful for each pancake. Wait for bubbles to appear on the surface of the pancake, which usually takes about 2-3 minutes.
  4. Once the bubbles appear, flip the pancake and cook for 2 minutes on the other side.
  5. Remove the pancake from the pan and place it on a plate. Repeat the process until you have two stacks of three pancakes each.
  6. Now it's time for the toppings. Spread some raspberry jam and almond butter on each pancake. Sprinkle over some hemp seeds for an extra nutritional boost, and enjoy your protein-boosted pancakes!


Remember, you can always adjust the quantities to make more or fewer pancakes. Enjoy this nutritious and delicious start to your day!


Potential Side Effects and Considerations


Overconsumption Risks


While raw protein powder is a fantastic way to boost your protein intake, it's possible to have too much of a good thing. Overdoing it on the protein front can lead to digestive issues like bloating, gas, and even constipation. So, remember, balance is key! Your protein intake should be part of a balanced diet, not the whole diet.


Allergies and Intolerances


Some people may be sensitive to certain types of protein powder. For instance, whey protein might not be your best friend if you're lactose intolerant. And if you're allergic to eggs, egg protein is a no-go. Always check the ingredients list and consider any known allergies or intolerances before choosing a protein powder.


Quality and Contamination Concerns


Not all protein powders are created equal. Some might contain additives, artificial sweeteners, or contaminants like heavy metals. To avoid this, look for protein powders that have been third-party tested for quality and purity.


Sustainability Considerations


When choosing a protein powder, it's also worth considering its environmental impact. Plant-based proteins like hemp, pea, and brown rice are more sustainable than animal-based proteins, requiring less water and land to produce. Plus, hemp is an exceptionally eco-friendly crop, as it grows quickly, requires little pesticides, and helps to improve soil health.




We've learned that raw protein powder is a versatile, nutrient-packed supplement that can help support our health in many ways. But remember, while raw protein powder can be a great addition to your diet, it's important to consider your health goals and dietary needs. It's like choosing the right outfit for an event - it has to fit you and the occasion. 


And remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. They're like your personal guide in the health journey, helping you navigate the best path for you.


Whether you're a seasoned protein powder pro or a curious newbie, this guide has been helpful. Here's to your health and happiness!




Should I Consult A Healthcare Professional Before Starting A Raw Protein Powder Regimen?

It's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. They can provide guidance based on your specific health needs and dietary requirements.

What Is The Difference Between Raw Protein Powder And Regular Protein Powder?

Raw protein powder is minimally processed, which helps preserve more beneficial nutrients from its source. On the other hand, regular protein powder may undergo more processing, which can sometimes strip away some of the nutrients.

Can I Use Raw Protein Powder If I'm Lactose Intolerant Or Vegan?

Yes, there are many types of raw protein powders suitable for individuals who are lactose intolerant or vegan. Plant-based protein powders like hemp, pea, or brown rice protein are lactose-free and vegan-friendly.

Can I Consume Raw Protein Powder While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding?

While protein is important during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen during these periods.
