Hemp Protein - The Best Natural Protein on Earth
With 50.3g of protein per 100g, Hemp's protein profile is higher than or the same as most meats, including fish. Hemp contains more digestible protein than any other plant-based source, including soy, pea and flax. Hemp is protein the way nature intended. It’s considered a complete protein as it includes all 20 essential amino acids required for optimum health.
3 Reasons Why Hemp Is The Best All-Purpose Flour In The World
There are over a dozen reasons why Hemp Flour is the best but we’re going to stick to the top three. Whether your primary interest is optimum health or sustainable produce, whether you’re gluten free or coeliac, you’ve probably heard about Hemp Flour, but you may not have tried it. It was illegal here in Australia until November 2017, but finally it’s available. So why is it so great? Hemp...