5 Reasons You Need CBD & Hemp Seed Oil

You've heard it all before: CBD fixes everything, THC might be good for you, the paleo diet is out, keto is all the rage and vegan is going mainstream… but who do you believe, and where does it end? While Hemp and CBD can be incredibly beneficial to a wide range of conditions, getting a grasp on it is bewildering. This article aims to debunk some myths around our favourite plant-based oil and CBD while presenting objective scientific evidence to ensure you understand the full benefits of each of these beautiful substances and how therapeutically similar they are.
First, it's important to note that while CBD oil and cannabis, in general, can help a wide range of issues, the aim of this article is to focus on five of the most common questions we get asked every day. There are other reasons you would want to use it, but let's focus on the main ones first!
1. Skin Conditions
The most talked about similarities between hemp oil and CBD is their benefits for different skin conditions. Hemp can help improve blood levels of fatty acids and, right out of the box, has an optimal ratio of 3:1 omega-6 to omega-3. This study shows how hemp seed oil can reduce dryness and itchiness in humans that have dermatitis, and many other studies demonstrate that it can help a wide range of conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema.
CBD has a positive effect on the skin and can help reduce skin diseases, as can both CBD and CBG – very important to help counteract skin diseases such as melanoma (a massive problem in sunshine-rich countries like Australia). If you have not had a skin check this year, we highly recommend getting a checkup and your local skin clinic.
2. Menopause
A relatively well-known fact is that hemp seeds contain Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which produces prostaglandin E. Because of the high levels of GLA in hemp seeds, several studies have shown they may help reduce various symptoms of menopause, including helping reduce bone density. Additionally, GLA could reduce inflammation and regulate hormone imbalances that are usually associated with menopause.
Now, a little-known fact about CBD is that it can help with a chronic symptom of menopause - bone density loss. Bone density naturally starts to decrease during menopause, and CBD does interact with a cannabinoid receptor, which can play a role in bone density loss.
Another study observed a combination of cannabinoids, including CBD, accelerated the rate of bone healing and CBD was shown to strengthen collagen tissues, helping to reduce bone density loss.
3. PMS
A vast number of women suffer from physical or emotional symptoms caused by premenstrual syndrome or better known as PMS. The majority of these symptoms have been linked to a sensitivity to the hormone prolactin. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), as we know, is found in hemp seeds and produces a naturally occurring prostaglandin E1, reducing the effects of prolactin. A study has shown taking 210mg of GLA per day in a total of 1 gram of essential fatty acids resulted in a significant decrease in symptoms.
CBD is also very well known for its relaxing benefits and is used by millions of people as a daily supplement to chill out effectively every day. One such study shows CBD can decrease the overall level of anxiety in a person in a stressful situation and is widely known to help with several other mental health issues such as addiction and paranoia. Please check our article on hemp seed oil for anxiety for further reading on the topic.
4. Heart Disease
The number one cause of death worldwide is heart disease, and both hemp and CBD are showing very promising results.
Hemp seeds contain very high amounts of arginine, an amino acid that produces nitric oxide in the body. Nitric Oxide makes your blood vessels dilate and relax, which results in lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease.
New research has suggested that CBD can lower blood pressure, and there is an associated lower stroke volume (amount of blood pumped from the heart per beat) and at a higher rate. Researchers have suggested this could be due to the analgesic and anti-anxiety effects of CBD, and this may show the beneficial cardiovascular effects in relaxing blood vessels.
5. Pain
Most people do not know about the powerful effects of a group of chemical molecules called terpenes. If you're not familiar with the incredible benefits of cannabis terpenes, take a look at Cannabis Terpenes 101. When processed correctly, hemp oil can be highly terpene-rich. These molecules have thousands of potential uses ranging from fighting cancer to reducing pain. What's more, a combination of terpenes can have promising results by working in synergy, which is known as "the entourage effect". Many research papers suggest that β-caryophyllene is effective at reducing neuropathic pain in a CB2 receptor-dependent manner. This terpene is also found in cloves, black pepper and our new limited edition Navy Strength Hemp Gin. Please read more about β-caryophyllene and its amazing effects on the human body in our in-depth article here.
A study has confirmed that CBD was therapeutic for patients with neuropathic pain by interacting with alpha-3 glycine receptors to reduce inflammation and pain. By working on a G-protein coupled receptor known as TRPV-1, CBD may also effectuate its properties indirectly. THC is also well documented for helping relieve certain types of pain. However, THC is a psychoactive compound in cannabis. It can be problematic in specific individuals and animals if not controlled correctly.
Did you know cannabis and hemp can promote hair growth and help you loose weight?

As you can see, whilst these two substances are closely related therapeutically, they are unfortunately still very far apart here in Australia when it comes to the legalities of access and the knowledge that people possess to use them correctly. Please feel free to get in touch if you or a loved one needs access to cannabis or if you have any further questions about CBD or Hemp.
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