History of CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 different types of cannabinoids found in cannabis. It's also the second most common cannabinoid, behind THC. Just a few years ago, nobody had heard of Cannabidiol (aka CBD) – now it's everywhere. And with good reason, we've barely scratched the surface of how the therapeutic benefits of cannabis help countless people achieve positive natural health outcomes. But while THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects of weed, CBD has none of those effects. In fact, it counteracts them by reducing anxiety and paranoia without causing a high. This makes CBD a significant component in medications, oils, and other ingestible substances that are meant to be taken without getting you high. CBD has been gaining widespread attention over the past few years as an effective treatment for everything from anxiety to acne and chronic pain to epilepsy.
Research has proven that CBD works on a huge range of ailments, from everyday mental health issues affecting up to 50% of Australians all the way through to pain and inflammation, nausea and vomiting, eating disorders, cancer, epilepsy and seizures, diabetes and more.
It's even been called "The Newest Health And Wellness Supplement" by Forbes magazine because it accelerates recovery time from disease, injury or stress, lowers stress, and promotes restful sleep.
Where did CBD Come From?
The first evidence of humans consuming cannabis dates back thousands of years to ancient Chinese and Indian civilizations. The cannabis plant (called "ganja" in Sanskrit) was cultivated for various purposes, including medicinal, ritual, and recreational use. It was sometimes even used as a form of currency. There is also evidence that ancient civilizations knew about the therapeutic effects of CBD. Scientists have discovered "cannabis oils" in Egyptian mummies dating back to 3000 B.C. And there is evidence that the Chinese were using cannabis to treat everything from gout to malaria by 1000 B.C. But despite this early knowledge of the medicinal properties of cannabis, it wasn't until the 1940s that scientists began to explore the molecular compounds in cannabis, like CBD, that were responsible for its health benefits. This research ultimately culminated in 1964 with the discovery of the endocannabinoid system and the first cannabinoid receptor. What are the benefits of CBD oil? Find out here.
The Curious Case of Charlotte Figi
You may have heard of Charlotte's Web CBD Oil – here's where it came from. Charlotte Figi was born in Colorado in 2006. Suffering from a rare form of epilepsy, she had her first seizure just 30 minutes after birth. The attacks increased in intensity and frequency from there onwards. By the age of two, she was showing signs of severe cognitive decline, similar to the symptoms of Autism. Within a year, she had stopped talking, couldn't eat and was confined to a wheelchair. She was on seven types of aggressive medication, which was taking a gruelling toll on her body. By the time she turned five, she was seizing up to 300 times per week, with individual seizures lasting up to four hours. Her parents had tried everything, but it was no use; doctors put her in a medically-induced coma to try and help Charlotte survive. They were not optimistic. A do-not-resuscitate order was signed.
Charlotte's granddad first heard of cannabis as a treatment for sick children. With all options for clinical treatments exhausted, Charlotte's parents, Matt and Paige, had nothing to lose. They got their hands on some cannabis oil.
The results were instantaneous; Charlotte went from 300+ seizures to zero in that first week. Her parents realized they had discovered something life-changing. They got in touch with local medical marijuana growers called The Stanley Brothers. The latter had successfully developed a hybrid strain by crossbreeding industrial hemp with low-THC marijuana. Containing all the medical benefits but practically none of the psychoactive effects, the strain had a ratio of 30:1 of CBD to THC. They called it Charlotte's Web after the little Colorado girl whose life they had saved; Charlotte's seizures have now been reduced to just two or three per month. How does CBD oil work? Head over to our scientific guide here.
Sadly on April 7th 2020, Charlotte passed away from complications related to pneumonia and was later tested for COVID-19 in the hospital. This test came back negative, and because of the massive inspiration, support and industry Charolette had a hand in helping create, the Governor of Colorado has declared April 7th as "Charlotte Figi Day" in Colorado. Our thoughts and prays go out to Charlotte's family, and we hope her spirit lives on forever.
The USA starts Pushing for CBD
Charlotte's story was the breakthrough for people worldwide for whom the medical system had failed. There was finally a safe and natural option for treating themselves and their little ones. An underground movement arose, picking up thousands of followers who had been left out in the cold by Western medicine. The United States government took note; in late 2003, they patented CBD for use as a neuroprotectant. Other countries began to pay attention quickly; they started to look at ways to implement cannabis and CBD oil as a medication for patients and pushed legislation that allowed patients access to cannabis for health reasons.
The Current State of CBD Globally
CBD has exploded in popularity in recent years, and it's not hard to see why. Today, cannabis is legal for both medical and recreational use in a number of countries throughout the world. CBD is a versatile supplement and natural remedy with many health benefits. It can address everything from anxiety to acne, psoriasis and eczema and even help accelerate recovery from disease, injury, or stress. CBD is currently legal and widely available in most countries. However, some countries with stricter drug laws have banned CBD, and there have been a few reports of CBD being confiscated at airports. Knowing your country's laws regarding CBD is essential before trying it. Please read up on the CBD laws in your state or territory if you are unsure. This is updated as of Nov 2022.
What Role Does the TGA Have? (Therapeutic goods administration.)
There are still many barriers preventing access, and CBD is still complicated to get a prescription for, even in countries that have legalized medical marijuana.
However, in Australia, some progress has been made on the prescribing front, and the most recent available figures show that close to 100,000 patients have now been given access to medical cannabis in some form.
Australia's therapeutic goods are administered by the TGA. The therapeutic goods administration only allows TGA-approved products onto the ARTG. There is a process to go through for anyone that wasn't to register and receive the coveted TGA approval. However, the good news is that if your company can't get a TGA-registered product, then the TGA have what's called a special access scheme. You can read about that here on the TGA website.XXX This allows patients to access medications not currently on the TGA-approved list. Now, this is the only way to get access to CBD in Australia and for more info on accessing CBD, head over to our in-depth guide here.
Final Thoughts
Patient numbers are increasing each week, and our staff have tried several products from a number of companies. If you are looking for a recommendation or would like more info on getting access to a TGA approval, please get in touch via email or our toll-free number, 1300 420 420.
The writing is on the wall: CBD is here and safe. It's time to get the medicine to the people.
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