The Different Types of CBD Available in Australia

Cannabis has been providing many medical advancements in the healthcare space, from treating pain, cancers, reducing opiate addictions and helping people with anxiety. Medicinal cannabis products, in particular, are some of the most difficult products to access in Australia and can only be accessed via the special access scheme which was created by the Australian Government to allow people access to unregistered medicines. However, most patients are unaware that not all cannabinoids are made equally, and some products in the Australian market are imported from overseas. This article aims to explore the different CBD types and what you should look for when choosing a medical cannabis product in Australia.
The 3 CBD Types Used in Cannabis Extract Products in Australia
Synthetic CBD:
This type of CBD is precisely as the heading states - artificial. It's manufactured in a lab and is a synthetic version of cannabis which is usually hard to produce and requires specialised equipment. Synthetic marijuana is very expensive to manufacture and ultimately dictates the end price that the patient pays. We have spoken to many patients that have switched from this type of CBD product to another version, which we will get to soon.
Lastly, this product does not have the same result for patients and is shown to be less effective than other cannabinoids types. It's also been proven not to last as long as other forms of cannabis products. Please contact us if you are using this type of product, we can recommend you to another product immediately.
CBD Isolate:
CBD Isolate is a very high CBD-concentrated form of cannabis that contains 99%+ CBD content. This ensures the patient only ends up with cannabidiol as all the other cannabinoids have been left out in the extraction process. This kind of cannabis has its benefits as it's super safe to consume as it has no THC added (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the psychoactive form of cannabis. This can work exceptionally well for patients that are being drug tested or operating heavy machinery as any drug test will return a NIL result. Driving any vehicle is risky business for any patient consuming THC, and this is where 99% CBD isolate is an excellent choice.
Isolate comes in a variety of forms, and it can be a powder, crystal or liquid. Several companies import this type of cannabis product into Australia and sell via the Special Access Scheme. However, due to the lack of other cannabinoids (CBG, CBV, CBA) and minerals and phytonutrients, these products lack efficacy as all these additional molecules and cannabinoids work together in synergy. This produces the best result for the human body and studies have shown keeping all of the plants cannabinoids together will yield better outcomes. That leads to the next CBD product type.
Full Plant Extracts:
This is where it gets fascinating for cannabis; this type of cannabis is essentially the whole-plant added to the extractor machine. Going into this process are all the flowers, stems, leaves, stalks and other parts of the plant as they occur naturally, which are then processed into finished products for consumption.
By leaving in all of the plant material and not extracting just one cannabinoid (as with isolate), you receive the full force of plant medicine at its finest. All the minerals, terpenes, flavonoids, phytonutrients and other cannabinoids work together to produce ad effect sometimes described as the ‘Entourage Effect’.
Full plant extract products come in all sorts of sizes and concentrations, some will have high CBD ratios like CBD 27:1 THC - which is suitable for a variety of illnesses and ensures any psychoactive risk effect is reduced. If pain is the main issue, then a cannabinoid content around CBD 9:1 THC will ensure enough THC is present to manage any pain associated symptoms and side effects.
1:1 ratios are currently available in the Australian market and pose a risk to driving and will have signs of psychoactivity if taken in decent doses.
When you speak with the doctor ensure you are ALWAYS being provided with a full-plant extract in the first instance and then a CBD Isolate product next. We do not recommend synthetic products due to cost and efficacy. Another consideration for the Australian market is the source of your cannabis products - always ensure that your product is sourced from an approved GMP factory and one that is located in Europe if possible. Europe, as a whole, provides better certification and more rigorous standards around the manufacturing and processing of cannabis products. Make it your first choice if purchasing products for medical purposes.
There are many great suppliers in Australia and doctors are willing to give you cannabis medication if you are in need. Please contact our friendly team to arrange a chat, and they can point you in the right direction. We have helped hundreds of people get access already. Our number is: 1300 402 420
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