The Cannabis Co. eBook Library

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We believe that meaningful change starts with educating the world, one topic at a time. Our library is continuing to grow, and new exciting topics will be available shortly. If you would like us to cover a cannabis topic you feel passionate about; please contact the team.

Top 10 Cannabis Strains In Australia & New Zealand

This guide aims to give you the most consistent and up-to-date information on Australia & NZ’s 10 most common cannabis strains.

Cannabis in Australia & New Zealand has a brief but colourful history; it wasn’t until the mid ‘60s that cannabis started to become popular. During the ‘70s cannabis smoking snowballed, becoming extremely popular as thousands of grow rooms began to supply the increasing demand from Australian consumers.

Fast forward to 2016, and a National Drug Strategy Survey found that over 36 per cent of the Australian population had tried cannabis...on average, that’s 1- out-of-3 in your family! This startling statistic proves Australia’s love for a hazy Sunday session.

Easy CBD: The Ultimate Australian Guide To Cannabidiol

Few plants in the world are as misunderstood as cannabis. The history of this plant is the history of agriculture, of medicine, of religion. indeed, it is the history of humankind.

Just a few years ago, nobody had heard of Cannabidiol (aka CBD) – now it’s everywhere. And with good reason; we’ve barely scratched the surface of how the therapeutic benefits of cannabis help countless people achieve positive natural health outcomes. Scientific research in Australia has recently begun to demonstrate the medical benefits of marijuana, with the New South Wales Government pledging $9 million since 2015 towards medical trials using cannabis to treat epilepsy in children, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in adults, and appetite in adults with advanced cancer who are undergoing palliative care. These benefits have been known to practitioners of folk medicine for millennia, whereas contemporary Western medicine has only recently begun to utilise medical marijuana.

The Allure Of Terpenes

This book is a comprehensive guide to terpenes and their capabilities. Featuring top 5 of the most well-known terpenes to date.

Humans and plants have a long history of working together, consuming plants for health and wellness has been practiced in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Using hemp for textiles and consuming marijuana for recreational purposes almost pre-date human history, fast forward to 2019 and plant-based medicine is making a massive comeback.

Terpenes are naturally produced by all plants on earth and are the essential oil that gives each plant its unique scent, flavour and effect. We are affected by terpenes everyday without even noticing.

Understand what and why we feel different from walking through a forest to eating a tasty mango with this ebook.

Cannabis For Pets

Read all the essential information about cannabis for pets with 'Cannabis For Pets'. Defining benefits, possible side effects to loo out for and common questions answered.

Animals can benefit just as much from the plant as their owners. Whether it be for reducing anxiety, inflammation and joint pain, or just boosting that glossy sheen on their coat, cannabis has gained immense popularity in its use with a wide range of animals. This is due to cannabis products working with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), meaning that even many animals have been helped by cannabis and hemp products, these include dogs, cats, horses, birds, guinea pigs, rabbits, hens, chickens, cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, donkeys and horses!

But what 'Cannabis for Pets' will discuss is how this can all tie in to help YOUR pet!

Cocktail Collection: Season 1 & 2

This collection will have you exploring through 19 cleverly crafted hemp gin cocktail recipes, that are as unique as the flavours of our hemp gins. Featuring all three of The Cannabis Co.'s gins, this cocktail collection is a must-have for hemp gin fans.

Season 1 features recipes with our best-seller The Myrcene Hemp Gin. These recipes are packed with exhilarating flavour combinations. From classics such as the Sidecar, Tom Collins and The Martini to new recipes that have been concocted for our gin community thanks to the Fitzroy bar, Ends & Means.

Season 2 is dedicated to all three gins celebrating each for their unique flavour profiles and characteristics. Featuring also classics and originally created recipes, these will introduce you to a range of flavours you haven't tried anywhere else.

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