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HEMP JUNE 23, 2023

The Benefits of Growing Hemp: A Future-Proof Cash Crop

Where there's earth, there's room for hemp. This robust crop thrives across the United States, with just a few exceptions: extreme arid conditions or towering altitudes. Growing industrial hemp, a versatile cash crop, presents a unique opportunity to farmers regardless of their geographic locations.


Yet, hemp demands well-drained soil for optimal growth. So, for land that lacks natural drainage, farmers may need to put in a bit of extra work to prepare the terrain. The takeaway here is simple: if you're a farmer, the chances are high that hemp could be your next bumper crop.


Hemp Farm


1. Grow Hemp Almost Anywhere: The Crop for Every Farmer


The beauty of the hemp plant is that it's not picky about where it grows. Except for bone-dry deserts or towering mountain ranges, it can thrive almost anywhere. So, the benefits of growing hemp aren't limited to a particular geographic niche. You may need to put a little extra elbow grease if your land's drainage isn't top-notch, but generally speaking, the hemp plant is quite forgiving.


2. The Magic of Versatility: Endless Uses of Hemp


Let's talk about the industrial hemp variety, the cannabis sativa. This is a plant that keeps on giving. Over 25,000 different products can be made from hemp - from hemp oil, which promotes wellness, to hemp paper, biodiesel fuel, and building supplies. Every inch of a hemp plant serves a purpose. This versatility presents numerous avenues for farmers to turn a profit from their hemp crop, and even maximize earnings by utilizing different parts of the plant.


Hemp Cultivation


3. Show Me the Money: Hemp's Promising ROI


Farming is a business, and like any business, profitability is key. The economic benefits of growing hemp, particularly for CBD and/or CBG, are hard to ignore. While some hemp farmers claim to make up to $30,000 to $40,000 per acre by growing hemp for CBD or CBG, corn farmers may only make about $1,000 per acre. These figures may not be the norm for all hemp farmers, but they certainly underscore the massive earning potential this crop holds.


4. Robustness Personified: Hemp Stands Tall


Farming is a risky game, with unpredictable weather, pests, and diseases lurking around the corner. However, hemp plants stand out for their resilience. They are naturally resistant to many common pests and diseases that can devastate other crops. Plus, hemp grows so swiftly that it often leaves potential weed competitors in the dust, conserving precious resources for itself.


Farming Hemp


5. Fast and Furious: Autoflower Hemp's Quick Growth


In colder climates where the growing season is short, or in warmer climates where multiple harvests in a year are possible, autoflower hemp seeds are the perfect solution. They mature in 70 to 75 days, slashing weeks off the usual grow time of full-term hemp. This speedy growth gives farmers more flexibility and allows them to make the most of their land.


6. Soil's Best Friend: The Hidden Benefits of Growing Hemp


Farmer holding hemp plant


Unlike most cash crops, which deplete soil nutrients, hemp plants work to restore soil health. They dig deep with their roots, preventing soil erosion and aerating the ground. Moreover, after the leaves and buds are harvested for CBD or CBG, the residual biomass can degrade and replenish soil nutrients, revitalizing it for future crop rotations.


7. Every Drop Counts: Water Efficiency of Hemp


Water costs are a significant concern for farmers, especially in drier regions. Although hemp isn't a low-water crop, it's more water-efficient than many others, requiring less water than thirsty crops like avocados and almonds. This aspect makes hemp a cost-effective option for farmers looking to keep their water bills low.


8. Fewer Chemicals, More Health: Hemp's Pesticide and Herbicide Requirements


Many CBD hemp farmers prefer employing biologics and Integrated Pest Management to retain the purity of their crop and increase product value later on, even if theEPA has approved some pesticides and herbicides for hemp cultivation. Growing hemp allows for minimal use of chemical pesticides and synthetic herbicides, which is a win for the environment and consumers alike.


So what does that mean? Simply put, cultivating hemp can help reduce the load of harmful chemicals entering our soils, water sources, and the food chain. And fewer chemicals mean a healthier planet and healthier people. Now that's what we call a win-win situation!


9. Hemp’s Role in Carbon Sequestration: A Champion Against Climate Change


Here's something you might not know. Every acre of hemp sequesters about 10 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere. That's right! Hemp isn't just good for us and the soil; it's fantastic for the atmosphere too. By absorbing massive amounts of CO2, hemp plays an active role in combating climate change. Just imagine the impact we could make if we embrace hemp farming on a larger scale!


Farmer Growing Hemp


Future Prospects and Market Growth of Hemp


Hemp is an exceptional sustainable plant for the planet. The construction industry and its allied sectors account for roughly one-third of all carbon emissions globally, raising significant concerns. Additionally, researchers claim that plastic pollution worldwide has increased from 300 million metric tons to approximately 360 million metric tons, with projections suggesting a further increase by 2050.


As a result, it is imperative to either reduce our reliance on plastics or switch to biodegradable plastics made from plants like hemp. Hemp is experiencing a resurgence and is quickly becoming one of the fastest-growing agricultural and industrial markets. According toVerified Market Research, the global hemp market was valued at 5.66 billion USD in 2020 and is expected to reach 27.72 billion USD by 2028. 


The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened health awareness, accelerating the growth of the hemp market. The demand for hemp-based wellness and skincare products is the primary driver of market growth worldwide. 


However, legislative frameworks and regulations regarding industrial hemp usage may hinder market expansion. Therefore, it is essential to promote the legalization of hemp cultivation and educate farmers about its benefits.


Best Hemp Products in Australia


Hemp - A Future Full of Potential


Growing hemp offers a bouquet of benefits - for the farmers, for the consumers, and for the planet. From its resilience to varied climates and soil types, its diverse uses, and high ROI, to its natural pest resistance, soil regeneration, and carbon sequestration capabilities – hemp holds the key to a sustainable and profitable future.


It's time we break the shackles of the stigma associated with hemp and recognize its full potential. The hemp plant, often overlooked and underestimated, could be one of the greatest allies in our quest for sustainability and ecological balance.


So, to all farmers and agriculturists, and indeed anyone interested in sustainable farming and green solutions – let's get behind hemp! Here's to a future where our fields are full of this wondrous plant, contributing to a healthier, greener, and more sustainable world.


Remember, every hemp plant grown is a step forward towards a better, more sustainable future. Let's get planting!


You can grab some of the best hemp products made in Australia here.


Hemp Products


More Like This


Is growing hemp good for the environment?

Absolutely! Hemp farming has multiple environmental benefits. Firstly, hemp acts as a powerful carbon sink, absorbing large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere, effectively fighting climate change. The crop is also known to enhance soil health by reducing soil erosion, aerating the soil, and adding deposits of carbon dioxide into it. Moreover, hemp can be used as a sustainable alternative to many non-renewable resources. It requires less water and fewer pesticides than many traditional crops, making it a great choice for eco-conscious farming.

What are the pros and cons of growing hemp?

There's plenty to love about growing hemp. For starters, it can grow in a variety of climates and soil types, giving farmers a high degree of flexibility. The plant is robust, resilient to pests and diseases, and has a relatively short growth cycle, enabling multiple harvests per year in certain climates. Moreover, every part of the hemp plant can be utilized, leading to diverse income streams.

The cons, however, largely stem from regulatory challenges and market dynamics. Despite hemp's non-intoxicating nature, its association with marijuana due to its shared botanical family can lead to legal hurdles and misconceptions. Plus, while the market potential for hemp-derived products is massive, it is still maturing and can be unpredictable.

Is hemp a good crop to grow?

Yes, hemp is indeed an excellent crop to grow. Its fast growth, resilience to pests and diseases, and versatility in product use make it attractive to farmers. Moreover, hemp can provide a high ROI, particularly when grown for CBD or CBG production. In addition, its benefits for soil health make it a great addition to any crop rotation scheme.

What are important facts about hemp?

Hemp, scientifically known as Cannabis sativa, is a fast-growing plant that's been used for thousands of years for various purposes. Today, it's recognized for its potential in producing a vast array of products such as textiles, paper, biodegradable plastics, construction materials, and health products. One of the most significant aspects of hemp is its environmental footprint, which is minimal compared to many traditional crops. Hemp absorbs significant amounts of CO2, requires less water, and enhances soil health.

Why do farmers grow hemp?

Farmers grow hemp for several reasons. Its versatility means it can be grown for fiber, seed, or CBD production, offering multiple revenue streams. The plant's robust nature and rapid growth cycle make it an attractive choice for farmers seeking to maximize yield and profit. Furthermore, hemp's ability to improve soil health can enhance overall farm productivity.

Is growing hemp sustainable?

Absolutely! Growing hemp is highly sustainable. The plant requires less water and fewer pesticides compared to traditional crops. Its deep roots help prevent soil erosion, while its fast growth cycle allows for more harvests per year. In addition, hemp's versatility in product applications, from textiles to biodegradable plastics and biofuels, provides sustainable alternatives to many environmentally damaging products. For these reasons and more, hemp farming plays a critical role in moving towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural model.
