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Lorenzo Payo Paiola – Cannabis Cocktails

Lorenzo is the creator of the Myrcene Negroni, the Ultraviolet and the Green Dear Myrcene. This mixology maestro has been travelling the globe plying his trade for the past decade, and his veteran-level skillset is clearly present in his easy professionalism and disciplined creativity. He currently works at Radio Mexico in St. Kilda. 


How does gin make you feel?

Gin is one of my favourite spirits, I really like to combine it with different ingredients and still experience its character. There are so many different kinds of gin, meaning that millions of combinations are possible – some dry, some more floral, others with more botanicals... Thousands of flavours from all over the world, alchemic history in the background, and lots of history in the mixologists’ worlds! Drinking it is an experience; different gins are perfect for different moments of the day (or life)! It’s just about finding the right combination of elements to make your drink a real experience.


How does cannabis make you feel?

Cannabis, even if prohibited in a lot of places, is a really interesting element of this world! People use fit to think more, or to think less! Some students use it to study more, hard workers use it to relax, people that have problems use it to avoid thinking about those problems. I can say that I’ve used it for all those reasons, in every different moment of my life. Sometimes to make me relaxed, sometimes to make me focus, others time to make me smile… and other times to just let me think about something else…!


Do they go well together?

Absolutely. I find in this gin a really interesting product, especially in mixology. Smooth and clear with herbal character. 


When you use gin in your drinks, how do you want people to feel?

At the base of my job, I want people to feel happy, comfortable and as if someone is taking care of them! Somebody once said to me, “there are two different kinds of costumers – one of them had a good day and comes to you to make the good day longer. Others have had a bad day and come to you to forget. It doesn’t matter who you serve, the important thing is to make them feel better!”. Gin flavours are the perfect element for this.


What's your earliest recollection of marijuana, weed, cannabis? Was it present in your local environment or more of a pop culture thing?

Let’s just say that in my neighbourhood, everyone was smoking since we were 15. At the beginning, you do what everyone does. After that, when you grow up, you start to think about why you like it, how you feel it!


Green Dear Myrcene made by Lorenzo

Is cannabis legalisation a good idea?

Absolutely yes! Could help the economy, could be bad for a criminal gang, make people feel safer about quality and make much more people walking around with a good smile on their face!


Who would you rather serve, a drunk or a stoner?

Neither! Alcohol and weed are amazing but you have to know how to use them and then go home!


Tell me one thing you'd like to see the change in your industry?

In the last few years, I see the industry change a lot. A lot more bartenders around, more events and new brands! This is great for us, as normal people start to enjoy cocktails and understand how flavours work.


What's your future dream?

I’ve spent the last decade all over the planet; I’d like to keep travelling as much as I can and see the world. After that? Open my own place, a place for everyone to feel at home – the traveller, the bartender and the common person alike.


Check out more of Lorenzo's work at https://www.instagram.com/lorenzo_payo/ 


The Myrcene Hemp Gin
