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Hemp Oil For Skincare – 7 Reasons To Love Nature's Nurturing Touch

We are all looking for more natural ways to do things in today's world. Not everyone can afford high-end beauty products, and many would much prefer to use something derived from nature rather than one made in a laboratory. With the popularity of natural skincare, hemp oil is fast becoming a favourite. It is used in everything from lip balms and lotions to skin masks and serums. Hemp oil for skincare has numerous benefits. Let's take a look at why you should be using it too!


This article has been Reviewed by Dr Les Baxter.


What is Hemp Oil?


Hemp oil is a natural oil extracted from the seeds of hemp, a plant related to cannabis (hence the confusion!). The cultivation of hemp is legal almost everywhere because the plants contain minimal THC (the stuff that gets you high). In fact, you can find hemp oil in many health food stores, and it's often promoted as a good source of essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, making it a multi-purpose skincare ingredient. Further reading on Hemp Seed oil can be found via our in-depth blog here. 


Hemp Seed Oil Skin Benefits? 


Humans who love their skin have noticed that the Cannabis plant has an increasingly strong reputation in the world of beauty and wellness. It's known as "Nature's most perfectly balanced oil" because there are zero chemical formulas and no other plant sources that can match the natural effects of Hemp Seed Oil. Whether you're looking for a solution to a persistent issue or simply a daily supplement, Hemp Seed Oil is perfect as a:


  • daily moisturiser to firm, rejuvenate and tighten your skin while leaving it supple, plump and luscious.
  • method to gently repair stressed, dehydrated and damaged skin, giving you a youthful glow.
  • complete spectrum treatment for skincare challenges including acne, eczema and psoriasis. 
  • solution to redness, discolouration, soreness, dull greasy skin, rashes and a lacklustre complexion evening out your skin tone and reducing blotchiness.
  • counterbalance to signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines…great for us Aussies who are too fond of lying on the beach or getting about in the sun!


Hemp Oil Skincare! The rundown...


"I already have loads of skincare products. Why should I bother with Hemp Seed Oil?"


Most skin care products currently on the market are petroleum-based, and many contain minerals that do you no good. These minerals can't be absorbed, meaning they sit on the skin, clogging up pores, starving you of oxygen and leading to blackheads. Yuck. This is why more and more progressive skincare producers are starting to use hemp seed oil as the foundation of their products. Hemp Seed Oil is non-comedogenic and won't clog pores or cause breakouts. It's an excellent alternative to other natural oils, such as coconut oil, flaxseed oil and palm oil, which have high comedogenic ratings. Those with sensitive skin can more-or-less guarantee a breakout. 


In addition to adding hemp seed oil to your skincare regime, many people find cannabinoids such as CBD work exceptionally well to treat a range of skin diseases and can help reduce surface inflammation. Acne is classed as an inflammatory condition, and cannabinoids could prove to be a lifesaver for lifelong sufferers of this skin condition. CBD has soothing properties which can help minimise redness and reactivity to other substances and particles that our face or skin surfaces come in contact with. More research does need to be completed with cannabinoids as an ingredient for skincare to ensure efficacy. In the meantime, many companies globally are selling a wide range of creams and serums to suit almost all skin types.


Do you have dermatitis or a similar condition? Read our scientific guide on how to treat dermatitis with hemp seed here. 


7 Reasons To Use Hemp Oil for Skincare 


1. Save Your Skin, Save Your Planet

EarthUnlike those afore-mentioned petroleum-based products, Hemp Seed Oil is 100% natural. It’s good for the environment as well as your skin. Rather than using our rapidly dwindling supply of fossil fuels, we prefer to use Hemp – the Tree of Life, and one of the most sustainable plants in the world. It actually replenishes the soil as it grows! It even draws moisture to your skin, as it’s a humectant. If you continue daily use over time, this will actually improve your skin’s ability to retain moisture.                                                            

2. Nailed It

Gorgeous nail polish is lovely. The downside is that frequent use has a negative impact on nail growth. However, the amino acid content in Hemp Seed Oil means that applying it directly to your nails and massaging it in will strengthen and heal both nails and cuticles. It's also a natural antibacterial and antifungal, meaning your hands stay clean and fresh!


3. Teenage (Health) Kicks

How many different nonsense products have we all used to deal with spots and acne? Tons – and none of them ever live up to their promises. Every day, more and more people are turning to Hemp Seed Oil. The internet is full of accounts of how it's helped those who've long suffered from inflammation and dry skin conditions such as Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Psoriasis and Dermatitis. Dermatologist Dr Joshua Zeichner believes it may "modulate skin oil production", which is why it's so suitable for acne sufferers. What's more, it also contains GLA - gamma linoleic acid – which is an anti-inflammatory. It also contains oleic acid and stearidonic acid (the more good stuff). In fact, this controlled single-blind crossover study from The Journal of Dermatological Treatment (published in the mid-2000s) found that Hemp Seed Oil led to a rapid improvement in the appearance and symptoms of dermatitis.


4. Omega Kisses!

Hemp Seed Oil's naturally occurring 3:1 ratio of omega fatty acids is absolutely crucial to keep your skin healthy. The EFA (essential fatty acids) profile in Hemp Seed Oil is very similar to our skin's natural lipids (fats), meaning that it's perfect for skincare. That's because it can easily be absorbed into your skin and the deepest layers through the epidermis. Not only do EFAs make your skin more elastic and softly resilient, but they also contribute to more robust, shinier hair.


5. Vitamin D(ope)

You get Vitamin D from the sun, but you also get it from hemp. In fact, hemp is the ONLY known plant source of Vitamin D. Why do we need it? Primarily because it's essential for calcium absorption. Vitamin D is the "key" that allows your body to access the calcium you consume. Without it, you end up with brittle bones, weak muscles and poor overall health. Your skin needs calcium to say silky smooth and kitten soft!

The vitamin D content in Hemp Seed Oil can also help with eczema, psoriasis & anti-ageing because vitamin D is known to help the skin with cell repair & growth.


6. Eczema & Psoriasis

The Sun

The perfectly balanced and abundant dose of Omega 3 & 6 in Hemp Seed Oil combat the symptoms of eczema & psoriasis - itchiness, dryness, rashing. This is because of the wonderful anti-inflammatory properties in hemp seed oil, but also because hemp seed oil helps to keep the skin hydrated by strengthening the skin barrier and preventing dermal water loss - ensuring all the goodness doesn’t go to waste. Did you know that a lot of mild eczema is suffered simply due to a damaged skin barrier? Some studies report long-time eczema sufferers actually decreasing their dermal medication use thanks to using hemp seed oil to help eczema.


7. Antioxidants

Oxidation is the process of aging, essentially – it's what makes metal rusty and apples turn brown after you slice them. Over time, the same happens to your skin. ANTI-oxidation counteracts that process, and hemp contains antioxidants at high levels. Not only will this reduce skin cell damage, but it slows down skin cell death and literally makes you appear younger. Next time they ask for your ID at the bottle shop, thank hemp!


Hemp Seed Oil For Skin Before and After


…no, wait, there's more! Hemp Seed Oil is also packed with Vitamin A and Vitamin E, in addition to a whole rake of B Vitamins: Vitamin B1 (thiamin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B9 (folate). Hemp contains all 10 of the essential amino acids (which your body needs as the building blocks of protein) in addition to chlorophyll (you can see that in its lovely green colour), copper, iron, magnesium, phospholipids, phosphorous, phytosterols, potassium, sulphur and zinc. Plus, you can eat it, leading to improved heart health and blood circulation to the skin! This is why hemp seed oil for skin care is the perfect solution. 


Did you know hemp seed oil can also help treat animals skin conditions, click here to find out more?


How To Use Hemp Seed Oil For Your Skin? 


We recommend doubling up! Hemp Seed Oil is a great everyday oil supplement that will ensure your body is getting an optimal amount of clean, vegan Omega 3 & 6 - which is good for your brain, heart and gut as well as your skin - which can be taken orally from a spoon or in capsule form. Check out our Hemp Seed Oil+ Capsules here


Secondly, we recommend using hemp seed oil or a hemp seed oil-based skin product topically for added benefits - especially on problem areas where you might be experiencing patches of dryness, eczema rashing or psoriasis. Applying hemp seed oil topically to those areas will help to immediately nourish and calm itchiness and inflammation, as well as start to work on repairing the skin cells that are angry and inflamed. 


Hemp Seed Oil Recipe For Skin 


Hemp oil can be used as an ingredient in face creams, body lotions, and bath oils. It can also be used as a standalone skincare product. You can mix hemp oil with lemon juice and water to make a face wash. You can also use it as a daily moisturiser. For best results, massage a few drops of hemp oil into your skin after you cleanse your face. You can also mix a few drops of hemp oil with any other face cream or hair oil of your choice.

Similarly, you can use hemp oil to make a nourishing body lotion. Mix 2 tablespoons of hemp oil with 1 tablespoon almond oil and 1/2 teaspoon of honey to make a soothing body lotion. You can also use hemp oil as a bath oil. Add a few drops of hemp oil to your bath water, and some rose petals or lavender to relax and de-stress. 


What Are The Side Effects Of Hemp Seed Oil On Your Skin? 


Hemp Seed Oil has no side effects - whether you apply it topically or ingest it as a supplement, the only side effect you will notice is healthier-looking skin & nails - promise!

Hemp Seed Oil has zero side effects and is 100% natural and great for the planet. Next time your skin is feeling dry or cracked, give it a cannabis kiss. You'll be delighted with the results. 

Read more about the benefits of Hemp and CBD for a range of conditions and symptoms here

Like humans, animals encounter difficult times with their skincare regimes, and the most common questions we receive are about itching, smelly and flaky skin, and allergic reactions to either nature or unknown substances. The best course of action is to choose a hemp seed oil-based product that lathers well, uses natural ingredients and smells amazing. When we tested a number of different products for pets, we found that there was no true hemp or cannabis in the product, even though the products were claiming they had. Always check that the brand you are buying from is reputable and has reviews from real customers to ensure the efficacy stacks up. 


How to Treat Your Pet with a Cannabis-Based Skincare Product?


Most pets have a very similar endocannabinoid system to humans, so hemp and CBD can be just as beneficial - even more so because they experience a more significant effect on their smaller bodies. Dogs suffering anxiety, painful joints and mobility issues, skin conditions and recovering from injuries benefit significantly from hemp products; we recommend the BUDDYPET Toby here. Read more about pets and cannabis here - "CBD & Hemp for Pets". 


Suffering from ailments related to the skin, brain, joints, digestion, blood, heart, lungs, hair, and immune system? Our 100% Raw Hemp Seed Oil helps – and it's even got a Money-Back Guarantee.


